Ashford regular bobbins fit the Traditional, Traveller, Elizabeth, and Scholar MK-2 (NOTE: Does NOT fit the MK-1). Also compatible with Joy 1 and Kiwi 1 wheels with stationary hook flyers.
Specify single or double drive as follows:
- Traditional and Traveler are either SD or DD.
- Joy & Kiwi are SD Only
- Elizabeth is DD only.
Single Drive Bobbin Compatibility
- Ashford Joy 1 : Not the newer Joy 2 with the sliding hook flyer
- Ashford Kiwi 1 : Not the newer Kiwi 2 with the sliding hook flyer
- Ashford Traditional: Only if set up in single drive
- Ashford Traveler: Only if set up in single drive
- Ashford Elizabeth: 2 only if set up in single drive
- Ashford Scholar: MK-2 - NOT the MK-1
Double Drive Bobbin Compatibility
- Ashford Traditional: Only if set up in double drive
- Ashford Traveler: Only if set up in double drive
- Ashford Elizabeth
- Ashford Elizabeth 2: when set up in double drive
Note: These bobbins fit the regular hooked flyer, not the sliding hook flyer!