The Ashford Jumbo Bobbins fit the Jumbo flyer and Electric Wheel. These bobbins come single drive and double drive as well as unfinished or with a clear lacquer finish.
Jumbo Bobbin Single Drive Compatible Wheels:
- Ashford Joy: Equipped with the jumbo flyer.
- Ashford Kiwi: Equipped with the jumbo flyer.
- Ashford Traditional: Equipped with the single drive jumbo flyer.
- Ashford Traveler: Equipped with the single drive jumbo flyer.
- Ashford Electric Spinner: Equipped with the single drive jumbo flyer.
Jumbo Bobbin Double Drive Compatible Wheels:
- Ashford Traditional: Equipped with double drive jumbo flyer.
- Ashford Traveler: Equipped with double drive jumbo flyer.
- Ashford Elizabeth: Equipped with double drive jumbo flyer.
- Ashford Elizabeth 2: Equipped with double drive jumbo flyer.
Note: These bobbins fit the regular hooked jumbo flyer AND the sliding hook jumbo flyer!